Almost All Books of Lists (119 of Them + Full Texts!)
There are many different versions of “The Book of Lists”. But how many?

Why Book of Lists?
The Book of Lists has been mentioned many times on the pages of this blog. That's understandable. A blog about lists, a book of lists… we have a lot in common. But the seeking mind never sleeps, and I decided to compile a list of lists of books of lists. On Wikipedia, there is an article the “List of Lists of Lists”. From a mathematical standpoint, it is such a three-dimensional object.
Here a four-dimensional one will be born! The only intermediate link will be not a list, but a book.
All Books of Lists Discovered by the “So List” Blog
- Original book:
- Jobs:
- People:
- Places:
- Education:
- A Christian Educator's Book of Lists,
- Scholastic Book of Lists,
- Scholastic Canada Book of Lists,
- The Art Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Differentiated Instruction Book of Lists,
- The French Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The ESL/ELL Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Health Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Homeschooler's Book of Lists,
- The Homeschooling Book of Lists,
- The Literature Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Math Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The New Reading Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Physical Education Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The School Librarian's Book of Lists,
- The Social Studies Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Special Educator's Book of Lists,
- The Teacher's Book of Lists,
- The Vocabulary Teacher's Book of Lists.
- Sport:
- The Baseball Book of Lists,
- The Book of Baltimore Orioles Lists,
- The Book of Cricket Lists,
- The Book of Football Lists,
- The Book of Golf Lists,
- The Book of Lists Football,
- The Book of Olympic Lists,
- The Book of Sports Lists 2,
- The Book of Sports Lists,
- The Book of Tennis Lists,
- The GAA Book of Lists,
- The Great Book of Denver Sports Lists,
- The Great Book of NASCAR Lists,
- The Great Book of Philadelphia Sports Lists,
- The Great Book of San Francisco Bay Area Sports Lists,
- The Great Book of Washington, D.C. Sports Lists,
- The Ultimate Book of Hockey Lists,
- The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists,
- The WrestleCrap Book of Lists!,
- Music:
- Books:
- TV:
- Religion:
- Nationalities:
- Gardening:
- Wars:
- Animals
- Weddings
- Other:
- Book of Lists for Regulated Hazardous Substances,
- Louis Rukeyser's Book of Lists,
- Philip Ardagh's Book of Absolutely Useless Lists,
- Streetwise Small Business Book of Lists,
- The ADHD Book of Lists,
- The Big Brother Book of Lists,
- The Book of Lists Horror,
- The Book of Numbered Lists,
- The Book of Political Lists,
- The Book of Royal Lists,
- The Book of Stupid Lists,
- The Celebrity Book of Super Lists,
- The Christmas Book of Lists,
- The Complete Book of Household Lists,
- The Disneyland Book of Lists,
- The Extraordinary Book of Lists,
- The Millennium Book of Wacky Lists,
- The UFO Book of Lists,
- The Ultimate Book of Bizarre Lists.
What Is in Total?
Currently, there are 119 books in this list! The Internet Archive was searched, and its output is probably incomplete, so there must be more books. The books that have amused me the most are The GAA Book of Lists, Book of Lists for Regulated Hazardous Substances and The Book of Royal Lists.
Which of the books presented do you find the funniest ones?
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