Books about lists

There are books on many topics, and there are books about lists. Are they as usual as the topic itself? No, quite the opposite!

Books about lists

I get most of the knowledge in my life from books. Some books write about lists. Perhaps the most famous book about lists, a whole manifesto to them, is the book “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right” [1]. This is probably the only book about lists that I have read until now. But I love diving, and I came across the following books, which I plan to dive in for a detailed study of the theoretical and practical sides of the issue:

  1. The Book of Lists [2] of all colors and sizes (parts 1, 2, 3, Football, London, Star Trek, Kids, etc.),
  2. Lists of Note [3],
  3. The Infinity of Lists [4].

The last book is especially interesting. Its author is the renowned Italian scientist Umberto Eco. In his interview to Spiegel, which accompanied the release of the book and an exhibition dedicated to books, the author stated the following: “That's why we like all the things that we assume have no limits and, therefore, no end. It's a way of escaping thoughts about death. We like lists because we don't want to die.” [5]

It feels like the reading will be captivating. Although who would have thought that the most boring thing in the world, the list, would immediately turn from its such an unexpected side.

List of links:
[1] Atul Gawande “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right”, ISBN 978-0312430009
[2] “The Book of Lists” on Wikipedia
[3] Shaun Usher “Lists of Note: An Eclectic Collection Deserving of a Wider Audience”, ISBN 978-1452144573
[4] Umberto Eco “The Infinity of Lists: An Illustrated Essay”, ISBN 978-0847832965
[5] “We Like Lists Because We Don't Want to Die” on Spiegel